Streetlight Inventory & Streetlight Master Plan

The City of Santa Ana, California

Evari completed a GIS-based streetlight inventory to verify existing city data and, where appropriate, append and update attribute location for the ~16,000 fixtures found in the city. Following an initial deep learning AI screening of existing location information, Evari deployed a field team to collect information intended to supplement the city’s existing GIS inventory. In support of the inventory, WebGIS-based project tracking dashboards were developed for the city and other stakeholders, including the ability to identify and elevate immediate maintenance needs via an automated reporting system.

To support analysis around determining underlit areas and subsequent community engagement efforts, Evari is developing a 3D GIS-based digital twin of the roadway lighting environment, complete with supporting information for decision-making (including: collision history, pedestrian crosswalk locations, bicycle facility information, roadway data, school walkshed areas, environmentally sensitive habitats, etc.) The resulting dataset will be incorporated into project GIS web applications, both internal and public-facing, and will not only quickly identify underlit areas citywide but will illustrate locations where additional placement or fixture refinement (shielding, dimming, etc.) may be necessary to maximize energy savings, increase/decrease lighting to appropriate levels, or otherwise optimize fixture selection.


The City of El Monte


The City of Albany